
Archie Role: Director/DP Client: Kekoa Collective Part of an on going series of Short Branded Documentaries for Kekoa Collective. Archie is a short Portrait about someone who is trying to prioritize time and experiences, over the metrics of a more traditional measure of success. WORK
Way of the Balisong

Way of the Balisong (in production) Role: Director of Photography A soon to be released docu series by filmmaker Paul Factora that examines the history and culture of the Balisong knife, aka “The most romantic knife in the world.” Through three 40 minute episodes, Way of the Balisong takes the viewer on a fantastic journey […]
Exomars 2

Exomars 2 (in production) Role: Additional Cinematography Network: National Geographic Follow-up Documentary about the behind the scenes of the European Space Agency ExoMars programme. The programme comprises two missions: the first – the Trace Gas Orbiter – launched in 2016 while the second, comprising a rover and surface platform, is awaiting confirmation for launch. Together they […]
Marylin, Her Final Secret

Marylin, Her Final Secret Role: Additional Cinematography Producer: Label NewsDirector: François Pomes Broadcasters: RTBF, RTS, SBS, Toute l’Histoire, Canal+ Polska, RTVE, RHT, Welt, Channel 8, Radio Canada, Air France, ORF 60th anniversary of her death in 2022 Montand, Miller, Kennedy: the list of Marilyn’s lovers and husbands is long and known to many. But the […]